- Died - August 16th 1878 Annie McDonald Milne, second daughter of G.B. and Maggie Milne of Quebec also on same date Adie Vair Milne eldest daughter of the above after a short and severe illness. buried August 17th 1878 in the same grave in Mount Hermon Unity - - - The two loving sisters and darling children cut off in a few short hours by one fell swoop in life They were beautiful in death They were not separated. August 12th 1885 Innis Bannerman Milne age 5 months and one day Oswego
George Bannerman Milne Born Sept 17, 1837 Lockport N.Y. died Feb 25, 1914 Det. Buried Feb 28 76 yr 5 mos 8 days Margaret D. Milne Born Dec 25 1842 Died November 14, 1916 Buried Nov. 16
The following notes may have been made by Isabel, speaking about her grandfather, George Bannerman Milne. These notes were additional pieces of paper, added to the family Bible:
Grandfather [George Bannerman] Milne had several brothers. The only one I knew was Uncle Alex who had a hardware store in Kingston, Ontario. He was a huge red haired man and came to visit us with his son Harvey and daughter Irene. We visited them while passing through Kingston on a trip but did not go to their home. Lately, a Milne who is employed by the cemetery where Dad and Mother are buried inquired about our relatives and he is evidently our cousin since his family came from Kingston and the hardware family were part of his ancestry. Evidently Uncle Alex was his great grandfather and Harvey his grandfather. He promised to come see us and see the pictures. Shame but we are away so much we havent received a call. However, I will take the pictures down to his office and then I will send you the one of your great grandmother Milne holding your Dad when he was an infant.
- undated, possibly by Isabel (Milne) Wades. If it wasn't Isabel, then it was Dolly Stoneman Milne writing to Isabel about Isabel's grandfather [also, the picture referenced cannot be found].
Notes were made by Dolly in the family Bible:
Milne - Grandfather: George Bannerman Milne Children: McBean Addie Vair George Malcolm these 5 --> Mortimer and children | twins { Annie McDonald were | born | Charles Alexander within | 33 months | Russell and --> twins { Christine Elizabeth (Aunt Dolly) died --> Loren of | Willie diptheria --> Innis Bannerman Annie died of cholera infantum when Russell and Aunt Dolly were born. Grandma had promised Annie a "little dollie".
Notes were made by Dolly in the family Bible:
Grandpa [George Bannerman] had returned to Quebec from a trip to Hudson's Bay. He was handsome with red hair and beard. Grandma [Margaret McBean] who was 27 years old fell in love with him and her father disowned her so she did not share in his estate. The Geo. Milne family settled in Oswego, NY where they spent their early childhood. Your dad [Charles Alexander Milne] and Uncle George [Malcom Milne] referred to them as the "orphanage".
![]() George Bannerman Milne around 1850 (click image to enlarge) | ![]() George Bannerman Milne around 1900 |
Margaret [McBean] Milne, around 1913 | ![]() Margaret [McBean] Milne |
![]() George Bannerman's brother Alexander R. Milne, May 21, 1898, age 56. |
Mortimer (Mott) Milne, either age 15 or age 16, approximately August, 1891 | Mortimer (Mott) Milne, undated |
Charles Alexander Milne, about age 14, approximately August, 1891 | ![]() Charles Alexander Milne, approximately mid to late 1930's |
![]() Athol Russell Milne, about age 13, approximately August, 1891 | ![]() Christine Elizabeth (Dolly) Milne, about age 13, approximately August, 1891 (Russell's twin) | ![]() Dolly Stoneman Milne, circa 1920's? |
![]() Willie McLennan Milne, about age 8, approximately August, 1891 (Died of Diptheria, Dec. 1891) | ![]() Lorne Archibald Milne, about age 2, approximately August, 1891 (Died of Diptheria, Dec. 1891) |
New info on August 3, 2008 from Carol Milne on behalf of her husband Rod, a grandson of Alex Ross Milne:
George Malcolm Milne - Died June 23, 1948, buried at the
Grand Lawn Cemetery - 23501 Grand River Ave. - Detroit,
Michigan 48219
Mortimer Thomas Milne- Died January 12, 1944 in Topeka Kansas.
Probably was living with Dolly Milne Stoneman. Is buried
at the Grand Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan
Charles Alexander Milne- Died September 22, 1965, he is buried
at the Grand Lawn Cemetery in Detroit, Michigan
Athol Russell Milne -Died October, 1976 in Washington, Utah
Christina (Dolly) Milne Stoneman Died in Topeka, Kansas, is
buried at the Grand Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, Michigan (next time
I get over there, I will look at the interment book and get
the death date.) Her stone marker does not show a death date.
Alexander R. Milne -Born 1842 in Ontario, Canada-Died
February 6, 1918 at Kingston Ontario Canada. Is buried at
the Cataraqui Cemetery.
Margaret Gillispie Milne-(Wife of A. R. Milne) Was born in
Edinburgh Scotland. Died on April 18, 1904 at Kingston,
Ontario, Canada. Is buried at the Cataraqui Cemetery in
William S. Milne-Born in Kingston, Ontario, Canada on October
26, 1864- Died in Toronto Ontario Canada February 24, 1924
Is buried at Parkview Cemetery in Toronto.
Thomas Gillispie Milne -Born in Kingston Ontario, Canada on
August 18, 1866 - Died November 7, 1941 at Sounding Creek,
Chinook, Alberta Canada
Frederick Ernest Milne-Born in Kingston Ontario, Canada on July 13, 1868- Died in Syracuse New York on August 15, 1943
Alexander Cecil Milne -Born September 22, 1870 in Kingston,
Ontario, Canada on September 22, 1870 - Died in Toronto,Ontario,
Canada on January 11, 1945
Francis Edgar Milne -Born in Kingston, Ontario Canada on August
19, 1872 - Died on December 29, 1939. Do not know where this man
died, had death date from notes taken by Nelle Milne, wife of
Melville R. Milne.
Melville R. Milne-Born in Kingston, Ontario, Canada on January \
18, 1875. Died at Meyersdale, Pennsylvania on Marach 22, 1943.
He is buried at the Union Cemetery in Meyersdale, Pa.
Allen Seymour Milne- Born in Kingston, Ontario, Canada on September 8, 1878. Died in Kingston, Ontario, Canada on
September 17, 1889. Is buried with his parents at the Cataraqui
Cemetery in Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
William Milne - Have no additional info on him, am chasing some
at the Maritime Museum in Kingston Ontario Canada
Sarah Ellis Milne-First wife of Thomas Scott Jordan Milne,
was born in Quebec, Quebec county, Canada in 1850. She died
in Kingston Ontario, Canada, Frontenac county on September
22, 1899.
Stanhope Milne -Born January 2, 1884
Irene Milne (Jean) Born July 25, 1885
Wilfred Milne -Born December 8, 1887-Died January 20, 1933
at Kingston, Ontario, Canada
John Addison Milne - Born 1818 in Quebec. Died September 23,
1860, Quebec
Catherine McDonald Milne-(wife of J.A. Milne)Died in Wentworth
Ontario Canada April 3, 1902
Poems by Isabel [Milne] Wades
The following was written by my grandmother, Isabel (Milne) Wades, and is undated:
Across the field where the corn used to grow Like soldiers at attention row upon row stored skeleton houses How will we forget what those cornfields meant. Happy houses well spent in childhood delight Riding the farm wagon feeling the bite of each ear of corn Coming out of the spout into the wagon Hitting our noggins like the tail of a dragon The farmer liked kids! There will be families with kids in the new subdivision But where will they find such provision For happiness - know the joys Of the farm life experienced by our two little boys. The farmer has moved away.
The following was written by my grandmother, Isabel (Milne) Wades, and is undated:
Dissension, dissension in every dimension one could mention! Oh won't someone Please throw away the key That opens the floodgates of insufficient self pity That makes one say the words that hurt and dismay "I told you so - you just won't learn" Stupid no good words that burn Into the soul of young and old Til they yearn to say "Who are you and what have you done" That you alone Only you under the sun Have the right to judge one's imperfection Have you ever felt the sting of rejection? You have much to learn - mistakes came from having to choose Man's only power - either to win or lose Give us time to grow - to learn - to feel our way Don't use the lash of the tongue to destroy us, make us pay In the simple things that day by day you have built into a mountain of regret. Please let us forget - Someday when we are old and no one seems to care - It will be too late for kind words - too late to share - For only a shell of ourselves will be there.
Additional references to the notes above:
Map of Canada
Quebec in 1906
The Territorial Evolution of Canada
Geography and Climate of Quebec
Maps of Rigaud, Quebec
http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/archives/becker_collections/celebrating_list_of_works.htm "City of Toronto" steamer and Larry Becker's research notes 1896 Original research notes by Larry Becker and digital reproduction of original page from John Ross Robertson, Landmarks of Toronto, vol. 2 City of Toronto Archives, Reference Library
An excerpt about Mount Hermon Cemetery
in Quebec City, where Annie and Adie Milne are buried:
"This Anglo-Protestant cemetery was designed by David B. Douglas, who also created Greenwood Cemetery
in New York City. Century-old oak and pine trees figure prominently in the picturesque scenery; such
idyllic natural beauty was common in 19th century landscaping."
Other Notes:
The Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid
What does 'Bydand' mean?
Genealogical Research Results:
http://genforum.genealogy.com/mi/messages/23539.html 1910 Michigan WAYNE 4-WD DETROIT Series: T624 Roll: 681 Page: 177 May 4th. 744 Fourth Ave. Milne, Charles A. 33 First marriage Married 8 years. Canada/English Canada/Engli sh Canada/English Immigrated to U.S. 1879 City Engineer Milne, Ella B. wife 29 First marriage Married 8 years. Canada/English England/En glish Scotland/English Mother of 1, 1 living Immigrated 1874 Milne, Isabelle B. daughter 7 Michigan Canada Canada